……………..A child that has in him the ability to stand in the King’s palace…. For man look on the outward appearance.(Daniel 1:4 , 1 Sam.16:7).

The dignity of a man is revealed in the strength of his clothing. You are addressed by how you dress. It called personality test. Your appearance communicate your self imagine.When Daniel and the three Hebrew boys were taken to Babylon, one of the major requirements to work in the King’s palace at that time was your stature and physical outlook. Nebuchadnezzar was looking for men and women who had in them the ability to stand in the Kings place. Royalty demands strict protocol. The young Hebrew boys knew how to observe protocol and relates to kings. They had already passed state protocol examination. The requirement of state protocol includes dressing and clothing, joy and enthusiasm, language and communication and international relations.

Appear good at all times!

Daniel had already passed the test of physical appearance. Though he was a captive from a war torn zone, he still purposed in his heart to appear good at all times. Most people have still not learnt the place of physical appearance in protocol and statesmanship and corporate life. Men judge by physical appearance. Appearance is vital. General outlook is crucial. Your appearance determines the flow of people and blessings that come your way.

You can be a shepherd in the wilderness today, but when God brings you out of the wilderness do not walk in town as a nomad. Walk as a king. Walk as a priest. Most people have still not learnt to keep a well shaved beard, wear cologne and nice perfume. Others have still not learnt to press even their shirts! It counts. It is a weightier matter. Many people, unknowing to them, have been denied of many promotion and many good things in life because of their appearance. In his book ZaphnathPaaneah, Albert Ocran, pointed out that “Joseph would have been denied an entrance into the King’s Palace had he not shaved before going there. He would not have been granted an audience had he not changed his clothes” (paraphrased). Wear prison clothes in prison and put priestly cloth in the palace. Be ready at all times to match up to the standard. It gives you self-respect and favor from men.

Clothes represent honour and authority. What you put on displays the strength of your dignity, honor and authority. That is why the Military and Police services are very particular about their uniforms. It carries a message of power and authority. The bible says Jacob put on Joseph the robe of many colors (Gen 37: 3). That is symbolic of the blessing of the first born and the birth right. There is power in the cloth we put on. That is why the Roman soldiers could cut into pieces and distribute the robe of Jesus (Matt 27: 31,35).

They knew he was wearing no cheap clothes. Learn to wear proper clothes suitable for every occasion. Let me quickly add that in this current days of unsightly fads and fashion, be selective and choosy with your clothes. Do not follow unnecessary and shameful fashion. Keep it simply descent. Wear only clothes that is becoming of a King and a queen. Some people do not know that they place a limitation on their destinies by wearing all those Babylonian addresses. Dare to be different. Daniel chose to be different and that earned him a place in the Palace. Decency pays. Righteousness is rewarding. Godliness is great gain.

Maintain continuous joy

That young man, Daniel, aspired to be great. He carefully learnt these skills. He learnt how to walk with the great and how to serve the great. He knew that protocol demands cheerfulness and joy as the hallmark of every one aspiring for the good life. He was so obsessed with living a joyful life. He knew joy is contagious. Joy is magnetic. A joyful person naturally attracts joyful events in his life. In those days it was required of servants to be joyful. A servant is not permitted to be moody. Daniel had these qualities already operating in him and so he was easily selected when the opportunity presented itself. The bible says with joy shall thou draw water. Joyful people always attract positive and joyful events to themselves.

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