The Force of WISDOM
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom;
Exalt Wisdom and Wisdom shall promote you; Wisdom
shall bring you to honor, when you embrace her. Prov.
4 : 7-9
Wisdom is a
spirit. Excellence in life is direct of product of the spirit of wisdom. Wisdom
is a force. She has a compelling power. Wisdom does not only suggest what to do
and how to do it; she compels you to do the right thing at the right time. Many
people know what to do and how to do it but cannot do it, why? They have no
wisdom. Wisdom is not common sense. Common sense has no compelling force. It is
not backed by any power. It is not just enough to have knowledge; we must have
the power to correctly apply that knowledge. Unapplied knowledge is not
beneficial. Many people are knowledgeable in so many things that have not
benefited humanity. These are good stuff, great information but there is no
compelling force for execution and implementation. Wisdom is correct and
forcible application of knowledge. The distinction between knowledge and wisdom
is the force behind wisdom.
Wisdom is empowering force
Wisdom endows
you with all the energy needed for execution. She is an enablement. It takes a
great deal of energy to carry out any worthy plan of knowledge. Any great work
demand energy. Every enduring work tasks your strength. It saps energy. Without
energy nothing worthwhile gets done. Without energy we cannot run the full race
of life’s goals and visions. Wisdom is what gives the energy needed for
accomplishment. Wisdom is what charges
us and strengthen us for greater works. Wisdom is activated when the inner man
takes hold of knowledge and it is fired up for execution.
The inner man
draws from nature all that is needed to get the task accomplished. Wisdom is
not just giving a mental ascent to information; it is not just a feeling; It is
that enthusiastic energizing force that never gets satisfied until a task, a
dream, a vision is accomplished. Wisdom believes in the power of the invincible
to accomplish a task. It brings the supernatural into the scene. By the time we
are discussing wisdom, we have left the place of this third dimensional
world. When wisdom takes over, it means
we are attracting the forces of the invisible for an extraordinary result.
Wisdom produces surpassing results.
Wisdom gives speed
It shows you the
easy way to accomplish a task. It makes you work with accuracy and precision.
Wisdom births creativity and innovation. Wisdom regards no impossibility
because she always delivers the know how in every situation. Ordinary men have
achieved the impossible, dared the undarable, confronted their fear and have
forcibly created their way through life. Wisdom has been the greatest tool of
these men. She has made way where there is no way.
The world’s
single largest church auditorium in Nigeria, the Faith Tabernacle, was built on
the platform of wisdom. All the experts with all their knowledge thought it was
impossible. The specialist withdrew their services and the skeptics multiplied
in number. But wisdom always makes a way
where there is no way. Knowledge alone is not enough. Expertise can be
self-defeating. Wisdom enthrones. Wisdom exults. Wisdom is full of initiatives
and creativity. Wisdom compelled Isaac to undertake the first irrigation
project in history when the world has not thought of one. Cross -breeding was
an old time creative work of Jacob. He was a man of wisdom.
The fear of God is vital
The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). The awesome fear of God is the
first key to access the room of wisdom. The reverential fear;that holy fear.
The respect for His person and throne.
This wisdom is accessible by the person that trembles at God’s
word. Joseph had this fear in him, no
wonder he carefully crafted a 14 year agricultural development programme for
the nation of Egypt. That is an unschooled young prisoner! He prospered
everywhere he went. He was a man of wisdom.
Pharaoh said of
him “there is no one as wise as thou art ………....(Gen 41:39). Joseph was
prospered greatly in the Egyptian because he had the fear of God in him. Daniel
also had a reverential fear for God. He had hot burning desire to please God no
matter the cost. He had been taught since childhood days. No wonder he refused
to eat the food offered by the King. He could not bring himself to the common
things everybody does.
You cannot have
the fear of God in you and walk about dump. The fear of God is a lifter. It is a
promoter. It ensures progress. The man that fears God has His backing in all
that He does. The fear of God is the distinguishing factor on the journey of
life. It does not matter what you know and what you can do, if God does not
build the house the labourers work but is in vain. God himself is the builder.
He is the workman!
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