About Daniel K Ansah

Itinerant Evangelist

Daniel K Ansah travels across the length and breadth of the country speaking in several revival meetings, camp meetings in churches, schools and other institutions.  His mission is to proclaim the message of hope to the ends of the earth. His teachings bring Hope to the hopeless and strength to weak. His meetings are full of the impartation of the spirit and prophetic decrees. He is incredibly dynamic, fire brand and very passionate about the message of Hope. He believes that there is no such thing as impossibility. Everybody can rise up to fulfill his or her destiny in Christ. No limitation. No barriers. Every child of God has glorious destiny. Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

Business Executive

Daniel K Ansah is a Chartered accountant and Business Manager. He has several years of corporate experience, having worked in various leadership positions in several multi-national companies. He has a rich experience in international business managements and administration. He also holds Masters in Marketing, a member of Association of Chartered Accountant-UK and BSc in Administration from the University of Ghana.He also holds a diploma in Leadership from Word of Life Bible institute, WOFBI.

Leader of Leaders

Daniel K Ansah is a leadership coach and mentor to several other leaders. He has an apostolic oversight on some growing and thriving ministries in Ghana. He holds leadership training programmes and workshop in many part of the country through the Leadership School®. His messages, training programmes and leadership seminars have helped to raise the foundation of many ministries across the country.

Conference Speaker

He is a conference speaker and travels around the country with the message of Hope to schools, colleges, churches in many cities in the country. His conferences attract several young and hungry youth to be inspired and imparted to discover and pursue their unique purpose in life. Some of these conferences include the popular National Youth Conference® and Unlimited Success Conference®, which attract hundreds of young people across the country.

Crusade Preacher

As the Grace of God continues to increase, Daniel K Ansah is venturing more into crusades and outreach into the inner cities and villages across the country. The Wave of Glory campaign will be held in many parts of the country to draw more souls for the Kingdom.

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