What is Purpose?
God Is a God of plans and purpose. He is a master planner. God
does nothing by chance. He does everything for a reason. He created the world
for a reason and formed Adam for a purpose. He called Abraham for a definate
assignment and ordained the nation of Isreal for a task.
Knowing why God created you and pursuing it, is what we call
purpose. Others call it vision. Some call it assignment. It is undertaking the
task for which you were created to do. This is your reason for being. The
French calls it your “raison d'ĂȘtre”.
Nobody is created for nothing. Everybody is created for something. Pursuing it...
Doing it…. Undertaking it… is what is described as the pursuit of purpose.
The Essence of
Discovering your divine purpose and assignment
Jesus brought the kingdom of God to us. We are in the kingdom now.
We all have a part to play in this Kingdom. Everybody's role is crucial. Everybody
is super important to the work of God. Nobody is excluded and none is more
important than the other. Every member of the body is as important as the
other. The head is as important as the leg. That is exactly what we are to
God.Everyone of us and our role is crucial. When you fail to do your part, we
are all hurting!! We are part of one body!
This is why we must discover our place in Christ. We must all
answer the question,why am i here on
earth? Why was I born? These areage long questions...but many are yet
toanswer it. Remember, until you discover your purpose and God given assignment,
you merely exist in this world. Basic science says “you have become a matter simply occupying space”.
Many potentially great people have become beggars. Kings are walking as servants;anointed
preachers have become a victim of the devil.They lost their place and purpose. They
have become mere men. Friends listen to me as a brother, until you discover
your purpose in this world, you are already a failure. I pray for you that will
not be your story in the name of Jesus!
This is the greatest discovery of life....Lord what would you have me to do?Saul, who became Paul, profited alot
from the Jewish religion above his equals. He was incredibly zealous,aggressive
and the Pharisees were very proud of him. Later on,he counted all of that lost
and dung! Why? He was still a failure by God’s standard. Paul's life began when
he answered the question, Lord what
would you have me to do?
Philippians 3 :6-8
6 concerning zeal, persecuting
the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
7 But what things were gain to
me, those I counted loss for Christ.
8 Yea doubtless and I count all
things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count
them but dung, that I may win Christ,
Acts 9: 5-6
And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And
the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee
to kick against the pricks.
6 And he trembling and
astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the
Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told
thee what thou must do.
Once Paul discovered his place in this kingdom, his real life
began. He began to walk in power and authority. He became a force in this
world. Paul became untouchable and unbreakable. They tried to stone him to
death but they could not kill him. A snake fisted on him but lost its poisonous
power. They plotted to kill him but were not successful. In the end, he said I
have run my race and I have finished my course. Glory to God.
A man on God’s
assignment cannot be killed before his time!
Friends, disappointments and failures are unnecessary.You donot
need to walk in weakness and sickness. Fear is needless. You donot need to walk
in fear and terror.You donot need to fear devils and their powers. Simply know
who you are. Know why you are in this world. Take your place in Christ.As long
as you are walking in divine assignment you remain fearless and unstoppable. A
man on divine assignment CANT be killed before his time!It is impossible to
break and kill such a person. Why? Because he is walking as a god and king
in this world. He represents God on earth. He is in the place of God...and who
can kill God? That is what Jesus meant, when He said"all of you are gods and the children of the most high....John
Moses troubled Pharaoh more than anybody. He gave Pharaoh
sleepless night. He dominated the whole of Egypt. All that Pharaoh had to do
was to issue a command to kill Moses. Butmy goodness....He couldnot form those
words!! He could not say it... He couldn’t Kill Moses!! No way!!
Moses is on divine assignment....
What about Jesus....they sent men to go and bring Him....The
messengers reported saying....NO MAN SPOKE LIKE HIM!! John 7:46. He was full of power. A man on divine
assignment is full of power.
Know who you are!
What I’m i saying here....?Know your purpose in life. Know why you
are in this world. It is your only protection against all onslaughts of wickedness.
It is your only ticket to the world of exploits!Know who you are. You are born
for a reason. You are born for a cause. Rise up and take the challenge. Change
lives and shine for your generation.You will make it. You will shine brighter and
brighter. You shall not die before your time. You shall notdisappoint God. You
shall not fail divinity. God is counting on you. The communities need you. The
nations need you. God is with you.Go ahead in this your might in the name of
When i come your way next time.....we shall deal specifically withhow
to discover that purpose. God bless you!