What is Purpose?
God Is a God of plans and purpose. He is a master planner. God does nothing by chance. He does everything for a reason. He created the world for a reason and formed Adam for a purpose. He called Abraham for a definate assignment and ordained the nation of Isreal for a task.

Knowing why God created you and pursuing it, is what we call purpose. Others call it vision. Some call it assignment. It is undertaking the task for which you were created to do. This is your reason for being. The French calls it your “raison d'ĂȘtre”. Nobody is created for nothing. Everybody is created for something. Pursuing it... Doing it…. Undertaking it… is what is described as the pursuit of purpose.

The Essence of Discovering your divine purpose and assignment
Jesus brought the kingdom of God to us. We are in the kingdom now. We all have a part to play in this Kingdom. Everybody's role is crucial. Everybody is super important to the work of God. Nobody is excluded and none is more important than the other. Every member of the body is as important as the other. The head is as important as the leg. That is exactly what we are to God.Everyone of us and our role is crucial. When you fail to do your part, we are all hurting!! We are part of one body!

This is why we must discover our place in Christ. We must all answer the question,why am i here on earth? Why was I born? These areage long questions...but many are yet toanswer it. Remember, until you discover your purpose and God given assignment, you merely exist in this world. Basic science says “you have become a matter simply occupying space”. Many potentially great people have become beggars. Kings are walking as servants;anointed preachers have become a victim of the devil.They lost their place and purpose. They have become mere men. Friends listen to me as a brother, until you discover your purpose in this world, you are already a failure. I pray for you that will not be your story in the name of Jesus!

This is the greatest discovery of life....Lord what would you have me to do?Saul, who became Paul, profited alot from the Jewish religion above his equals. He was incredibly zealous,aggressive and the Pharisees were very proud of him. Later on,he counted all of that lost and dung! Why? He was still a failure by God’s standard. Paul's life began when he answered the question, Lord what would you have me to do?

Philippians 3 :6-8
6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. 
7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 
8 Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Acts 9: 5-6
And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 
6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
Once Paul discovered his place in this kingdom, his real life began. He began to walk in power and authority. He became a force in this world. Paul became untouchable and unbreakable. They tried to stone him to death but they could not kill him. A snake fisted on him but lost its poisonous power. They plotted to kill him but were not successful. In the end, he said I have run my race and I have finished my course. Glory to God.

A man on God’s assignment cannot be killed before his time!
Friends, disappointments and failures are unnecessary.You donot need to walk in weakness and sickness. Fear is needless. You donot need to walk in fear and terror.You donot need to fear devils and their powers. Simply know who you are. Know why you are in this world. Take your place in Christ.As long as you are walking in divine assignment you remain fearless and unstoppable. A man on divine assignment CANT be killed before his time!It is impossible to break and kill such a person. Why? Because he is walking as a god and king in this world. He represents God on earth. He is in the place of God...and who can kill God? That is what Jesus meant, when He said"all of you are gods and the children of the most high....John 10:34

Moses troubled Pharaoh more than anybody. He gave Pharaoh sleepless night. He dominated the whole of Egypt. All that Pharaoh had to do was to issue a command to kill Moses. Butmy goodness....He couldnot form those words!! He could not say it... He couldn’t Kill Moses!! No way!!
Moses is on divine assignment....

What about Jesus....they sent men to go and bring Him....The messengers reported saying....NO MAN SPOKE LIKE HIM!! John 7:46.  He was full of power. A man on divine assignment is full of power.

Know who you are!
What I’m i saying here....?Know your purpose in life. Know why you are in this world. It is your only protection against all onslaughts of wickedness. It is your only ticket to the world of exploits!Know who you are. You are born for a reason. You are born for a cause. Rise up and take the challenge. Change lives and shine for your generation.You will make it. You will shine brighter and brighter. You shall not die before your time. You shall notdisappoint God. You shall not fail divinity. God is counting on you. The communities need you. The nations need you. God is with you.Go ahead in this your might in the name of Jesus.

When i come your way next time.....we shall deal specifically withhow to discover that purpose. God bless you!

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……………..A child that has in him the ability to stand in the King’s palace…. For man look on the outward appearance.(Daniel 1:4 , 1 Sam.16:7).

The dignity of a man is revealed in the strength of his clothing. You are addressed by how you dress. It called personality test. Your appearance communicate your self imagine.When Daniel and the three Hebrew boys were taken to Babylon, one of the major requirements to work in the King’s palace at that time was your stature and physical outlook. Nebuchadnezzar was looking for men and women who had in them the ability to stand in the Kings place. Royalty demands strict protocol. The young Hebrew boys knew how to observe protocol and relates to kings. They had already passed state protocol examination. The requirement of state protocol includes dressing and clothing, joy and enthusiasm, language and communication and international relations.

Appear good at all times!

Daniel had already passed the test of physical appearance. Though he was a captive from a war torn zone, he still purposed in his heart to appear good at all times. Most people have still not learnt the place of physical appearance in protocol and statesmanship and corporate life. Men judge by physical appearance. Appearance is vital. General outlook is crucial. Your appearance determines the flow of people and blessings that come your way.

You can be a shepherd in the wilderness today, but when God brings you out of the wilderness do not walk in town as a nomad. Walk as a king. Walk as a priest. Most people have still not learnt to keep a well shaved beard, wear cologne and nice perfume. Others have still not learnt to press even their shirts! It counts. It is a weightier matter. Many people, unknowing to them, have been denied of many promotion and many good things in life because of their appearance. In his book ZaphnathPaaneah, Albert Ocran, pointed out that “Joseph would have been denied an entrance into the King’s Palace had he not shaved before going there. He would not have been granted an audience had he not changed his clothes” (paraphrased). Wear prison clothes in prison and put priestly cloth in the palace. Be ready at all times to match up to the standard. It gives you self-respect and favor from men.

Clothes represent honour and authority. What you put on displays the strength of your dignity, honor and authority. That is why the Military and Police services are very particular about their uniforms. It carries a message of power and authority. The bible says Jacob put on Joseph the robe of many colors (Gen 37: 3). That is symbolic of the blessing of the first born and the birth right. There is power in the cloth we put on. That is why the Roman soldiers could cut into pieces and distribute the robe of Jesus (Matt 27: 31,35).

They knew he was wearing no cheap clothes. Learn to wear proper clothes suitable for every occasion. Let me quickly add that in this current days of unsightly fads and fashion, be selective and choosy with your clothes. Do not follow unnecessary and shameful fashion. Keep it simply descent. Wear only clothes that is becoming of a King and a queen. Some people do not know that they place a limitation on their destinies by wearing all those Babylonian addresses. Dare to be different. Daniel chose to be different and that earned him a place in the Palace. Decency pays. Righteousness is rewarding. Godliness is great gain.

Maintain continuous joy

That young man, Daniel, aspired to be great. He carefully learnt these skills. He learnt how to walk with the great and how to serve the great. He knew that protocol demands cheerfulness and joy as the hallmark of every one aspiring for the good life. He was so obsessed with living a joyful life. He knew joy is contagious. Joy is magnetic. A joyful person naturally attracts joyful events in his life. In those days it was required of servants to be joyful. A servant is not permitted to be moody. Daniel had these qualities already operating in him and so he was easily selected when the opportunity presented itself. The bible says with joy shall thou draw water. Joyful people always attract positive and joyful events to themselves.
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The Force of WISDOM

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; ….

Exalt Wisdom and Wisdom shall promote you; Wisdom shall bring you to honor, when you embrace her. Prov. 4 : 7-9

Wisdom is a spirit. Excellence in life is direct of product of the spirit of wisdom. Wisdom is a force. She has a compelling power. Wisdom does not only suggest what to do and how to do it; she compels you to do the right thing at the right time. Many people know what to do and how to do it but cannot do it, why? They have no wisdom. Wisdom is not common sense. Common sense has no compelling force. It is not backed by any power. It is not just enough to have knowledge; we must have the power to correctly apply that knowledge. Unapplied knowledge is not beneficial. Many people are knowledgeable in so many things that have not benefited humanity. These are good stuff, great information but there is no compelling force for execution and implementation. Wisdom is correct and forcible application of knowledge. The distinction between knowledge and wisdom is the force behind wisdom.

Wisdom is empowering force

Wisdom endows you with all the energy needed for execution. She is an enablement. It takes a great deal of energy to carry out any worthy plan of knowledge. Any great work demand energy. Every enduring work tasks your strength. It saps energy. Without energy nothing worthwhile gets done. Without energy we cannot run the full race of life’s goals and visions. Wisdom is what gives the energy needed for accomplishment.  Wisdom is what charges us and strengthen us for greater works. Wisdom is activated when the inner man takes hold of knowledge and it is fired up for execution.

The inner man draws from nature all that is needed to get the task accomplished. Wisdom is not just giving a mental ascent to information; it is not just a feeling; It is that enthusiastic energizing force that never gets satisfied until a task, a dream, a vision is accomplished. Wisdom believes in the power of the invincible to accomplish a task. It brings the supernatural into the scene. By the time we are discussing wisdom, we have left the place of this third dimensional world.  When wisdom takes over, it means we are attracting the forces of the invisible for an extraordinary result. Wisdom produces surpassing results.

Wisdom gives speed

It shows you the easy way to accomplish a task. It makes you work with accuracy and precision. Wisdom births creativity and innovation. Wisdom regards no impossibility because she always delivers the know how in every situation. Ordinary men have achieved the impossible, dared the undarable, confronted their fear and have forcibly created their way through life. Wisdom has been the greatest tool of these men. She has made way where there is no way.

The world’s single largest church auditorium in Nigeria, the Faith Tabernacle, was built on the platform of wisdom. All the experts with all their knowledge thought it was impossible. The specialist withdrew their services and the skeptics multiplied in number.  But wisdom always makes a way where there is no way. Knowledge alone is not enough. Expertise can be self-defeating. Wisdom enthrones. Wisdom exults. Wisdom is full of initiatives and creativity. Wisdom compelled Isaac to undertake the first irrigation project in history when the world has not thought of one. Cross -breeding was an old time creative work of Jacob. He was a man of wisdom.

The fear of God is vital
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). The awesome fear of God is the first key to access the room of wisdom. The reverential fear;that holy fear. The respect for His person and throne.  This wisdom is accessible by the person that trembles at God’s word.  Joseph had this fear in him, no wonder he carefully crafted a 14 year agricultural development programme for the nation of Egypt. That is an unschooled young prisoner! He prospered everywhere he went. He was a man of wisdom.

Pharaoh said of him “there is no one as wise as thou art ………....(Gen 41:39). Joseph was prospered greatly in the Egyptian because he had the fear of God in him. Daniel also had a reverential fear for God. He had hot burning desire to please God no matter the cost. He had been taught since childhood days. No wonder he refused to eat the food offered by the King. He could not bring himself to the common things everybody does.

You cannot have the fear of God in you and walk about dump. The fear of God is a lifter. It is a promoter. It ensures progress. The man that fears God has His backing in all that He does. The fear of God is the distinguishing factor on the journey of life. It does not matter what you know and what you can do, if God does not build the house the labourers work but is in vain. God himself is the builder. He is the workman!

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My son , attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. Wisdom rest in the heart of a King but a wise son will draw it.1 (Prov. 4:20-21).

This refers to the power of the role model principle. It quickens your steps. It prevents delay and confusion. Role model helps to make the journey easy and enjoyable. They offer vital information and give the right key for the needed results. Every great achiever had a coach. No successful man is an island.
There is nothing new under the sun. Everything has been done before. There is nothing you intend to do that no one had done before. Role models are God’s agents to help us reach stardom. They are divine connectors. They are supernatural bridges. Most people are too arrogant to be thought and instructed. Pride has kept many away from their destination.

Every great man had coach

Great leaders were once great followers. Everyone has followed somebody in his life. Jethro mentored Moses. Abraham mentored Lot. Laban raised Jacob. Jesus followed John the Baptist. Paul mentored Timothy and Titus. Smith Wigglesworth passed on the mantle to Kenneth Hagin. Dr Oyedepo followed Kenneth Hagin. Great men of God have had great mentors and so are great millionaires all over in History. King David coached his son Solomon how to walk in prosperity. Kenneth Copeland was mentored by Oral Roberts. Dr.Creflo Dollar was raised by Kenneth Copeland.

And the list goes on and on. Dale Carnegie mentored Napoléon Hills about the secrets of successful millionaires. What do you want to do? Somebody has done it already. It is your job to locate this people God has placed on your way, tap into their wisdom and be blessed by them. The degree of your fellowship determines the extent of your leadership. Follow hard and lead strong. If you follow with all your heart you lead with all their wisdom. The only price you pay for being a protégé is humility and patience.

Role model is a principle of life

In aviation industry teach- ability is a key requirement. The young pilots must be humble enough to learn from the more qualified senior ones. In medical sciences it plays a major role. Most operations and surgeries have been performed already. You cannot live long enough to make all the mistakes. Get to the operation theatre and learn how it is done. Judges still make reference to precedents in courts. Case studies are still very vital in business studies today.

Mentors save you from many years of pain and sorrow. You benefit from both their mistakes and successes. They rather accelerate your growth. They pass on to you within a couple of seconds, information that took them many painful years to acquire. Do not allow anybody to rob you of this blessing of mentorship.

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…….Get Understanding!Do not Forget,….(Prov. 4 :5)

…..with all thy getting, get understanding (Prov. 4:7)

Every great man is a man of deep understanding. He understood matters pertaining to his assignment. Understanding is giving a mental focus to a subject matter in other to grasp its full meaning. Understanding is what culminates in knowledge. Understanding is what births action. It gives meaning to actions. What you do not understand you cannot act on it. Understanding makes knowledge useful and applicable.

Understanding makes knowledge sweet.

It gives meaning to knowledge. Without understanding knowledge is not in view. We cannot talk about knowledge when we do not understand the information acquired. What we call knowledge is collection of meaningful information. In the book of Acts it was reported that the book of Isaiah was completely a foreign material to the Ethiopian Eunuch because he did not understand what he was reading. Right in front of this Eunuch is vital information that will turn his life round. He is in contact with information that would rescue him from death and eternal destruction. But he did not know. Why?  Because he does not understand what he was reading.

Understanding enthrones knowledge

Otherwise vital information has not been effective in many people’s lives because they do not understand that information. You cannot doubt what you understand. You can only question what you do not understand. The place of understanding is therefore a very vital step in the process of knowledge. Reading is great. But we cannot keep reading what we do not understand. We cannot speed read through our materials. The essence of reading is to gain an understanding of the subject matter. Many people pride themselves as good readers without obtaining clear understanding of what they are reading.. No task is impossible. Understanding is what makes the difference. Where there is no understanding the task becomes tedious. Without understanding possibilities looks impossible. Understanding is what makes application of knowledge easy. Information misunderstood is misapplied. You cannot practice what you do not understand. What you do not understand you do not appreciate.

Understanding gives birth to action

The extent to which you apply information is determined by the extent of your understanding of that subject matter. You do not need to struggle with any examination if you understand the subject matter. You cannot impact others with what you do not practice. Impactful life is what culminates in greatness. Therefore without proper understanding in any area of life, your greatness is not in view. Actions lead to impactful life. Some people are never good at even the very profession they have chosen. They never absorb what is needed to excel in their own field of interest. Others run after a dozen of information without careful digestion of that information for proper understanding.

It is true, we are living in an information age but misunderstood information is good for nothing. Seek to understand what you read. Digest the information. Analyze it critically. Ask questions. Probe further. Compare with relevant materials. Cross check the facts. Meditate on it several times until the truth is un-earthed.  This is where greatness starts. 
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Knowledge is conscious acquisition of relevant information. It is not just acquisition of information. It must be consciously acquired. A knowledgeable person knows all that he needs to know about his subject of interest; about his area of operation. Many people in their quest for knowledge seek a whole lot about nothing. Information is relative. Knowledge is specific. The information needed to be an effective carpenter is not the same information needed to be an astute chemist. Let the chemist go for all the information he can get about being a chemist and allow the carpenter to accumulate his knowledge about carpentry. Life is short. Time is limited; you cannot do everything and be everything. 

Continuous learning

Life follows the same parallelism. You can only make progress to the level of your incompetency. To maintain your position on the scale of life, you cannot stop learning and you cannot be tired of learning. Bishop David Oyedepo the man reputed to have built the single largest auditorium in the world said “you cannot be tired of listening to be me because I am not tired of learning”. Learners always retain their position. Well informed people maintain the lead. Knowledgeable people keep flying. To maintain the lead, you must seek to know enough about what you are doing plus what others within your industry are doing.
Pastor Matthew of KICC, the church with the largest congregation in UK, said “before his church began to grow he had read almost 200 books on church growth”. Nothing just happens. There are secrets to every great achievement. These secrets are carefully discovered in books. The power of extensive, voracious reading is the key to unveil these secrets. They are hidden but you must go in search of it.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov. 25:2).

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. (Prov. 20:5).

The adventure of knowledge

Knowledge has always been the bedrock of every great venture. It has always determined the height of every adventure. It determines the outcome of every investment. before he started out in ministry Dr.Oyedepo has already read 38 biographies of great men of God who have made massive impact in their generation. How could he have failed in ministry? Not with 38 real life stories at his disposal. Before the ground breaking Covenant University took off, the current Chancellor of the University, Dr David Oyedepo had read everything readable about university education with case studies from globally recognized universities. No wonder Covenant University is a living wonder in Africa today. You cannot beat the system without the right information.

Knowledge builds confidence

Knowledge gives you confidence. It helps you to know your destination before you begin your journey. The right knowledge never fails. Anthony Robbins read 700 books before he left high school, he is an authority in human psychology today. No one comes close. Knowledge never fails. Knowledge acquisition is very different from schooling. Most people try to equate schooling with knowledge acquisition. They are not wrong but rather inaccurate.

Proper, relevant knowledge is mostly acquired outside the class room. This should be welcomed as good news for those with little formal education. You can still make it. Knowledge has no respect for formal education. What people really know and can remember are the things they have learnt outside the four walls of their classrooms. This 21st century has no sympathy for ignorance. Ignorance has no place in this era. Knowledge is already covering the face of the earth.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.(Isaiah 11 :9). Nobody can be excursed. Ignorance is intolerable.  Ignorance is a disease. It is a cancerous one. Ignoramuses are dysfunctional people. Do not be one of them. It is a crippling disease.

The value of knowledge

You must go for knowledge at whatever cost. Kenneth Copeland was so desperate for information on God’s system of prosperity that he went in search for all of Kenneth Hagin’s CDs and tapes. In fact he was ready to trade off his car for Kenneth Hagin’s CDs. No wonder he is swimming in prosperity today. He has given out 26 aircrafts! That is the value of Knowledge. The price is worth the value. Everybody can be educated in whatever he or she does. Don’t tolerate ignorance. Stop pampering it. Go for knowledge. It brings out the best in you. Knowledge is light; it makes a man’s face to shine. Knowledge is food for the soul, it makes the brain active. It is a meat for the spirit, it makes it stronger. Knowledge is a booster for the total man. It boosts finances and promotion. It boosts success and achievement. It leaves legacy and inheritance. Knowledge exalts. It is a lifter.  Knowledge will show you what to do when you do not know what to do.

It will direct you in the midst of confusion. Knowledge makes heroes. In the fields of battles, strategic knowledge of your opponent is what wins the day. That is why most highly security conscious nations spent millions of dollar collecting intelligence reports about their opponent. Knowledge assures victory. It guarantees success.

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In our previous readings, we established the fact that attitude is one of the vital keys needed to unleash the greatness in you. After all said and done, it is our attitude that matters. What happens to us is not as important as our attitude to them. Attitude is everything. In this article we will look at other virtues needed to unleash this greatness in us.


‘It was found in Daniel an excellent Spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpretation of dreams and showing of hard sentences and dissolving of doubt. Then this man was preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him. The King thought to set him over the whole realm” (Daniel 5; 12)

Excellence means be the best at whatever you do; best in quality and quantity. Put in the best. Give it your best shot. Let no one beat you to it. Paying attention to all the details. Cross checking and cross-referencing all the facts. This is what makes people great. Nothing just happens. Greatness is not cheap talk. This is what made Daniel great. He was excellent at whatever was offered to him. That is the man that goes the extra mile. Daniel at that young age knows that the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little “Extra”. Just a little learning made the difference in his academics. Just a little hard work gave him the promotion.

The little big things!

Doing the little things demands little discipline and little sacrifices. It means doing little things out of your comfort zone. The greatest enemy against“extra” is indiscipline and carelessness! Discipline says I am tired but I must be at work. I am very tired but I will control my sleep.
Negative or positive the little things are the determinants. The little foxes are those that spoil the vine.

Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. (SoS 2:15).

A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep—
So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man (Prov. 6:10-11)

Excellence in words

One area where excellence is most demanded is in our communication. An excellent person is known by his words. An excellent spirit will manifest itself in excellent words. Excellent in words and speech. No filthy jokes. The excellent life demands skill in the usage of words. It is not just what you say but how you say it. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Prov.25:11).

Filthy words distort the beauty of a message. Communication is a skill. Language is learnt. Great men are men of words. Moses was a man mighty in words. He was that great pastor of over 2 million Jews. Excellent life demands accountability and moderation in the use of words. Daniel was a great communicator. When the eunuch came to serve the food uncommon to his nativity he politely and skilfully turned it down. The Eunuch was not hurt yet Daniel had passed uncomfortable information across. Right words eliminate strive. It reduces anger. Limits pain. Rights words exalt. It builds up. A wise man once said “when you open your mouth you expose your brain”. I will never know the stuff you are made of until I hear you speak.

The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook (Prov. 18:4)

The excellent life communicates evil of no one. Judge no one. Jesus said “every man is judged based on the words he has spoken”.

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matt. 12:37).

Words are that powerful. It builds up and breaks down. It unites and divides. Your words determine what comes into your hand and what leaves your hand. You will only receive what you said.

Excellence with time

An excellent person avoids time killers and shuns time wasters. They make the little seconds count.  Benjamin Franklin, American self- made millionaire, statesman and philanthropist queried “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of”.

No wise man argues with success. Success is measurable and predictive. If you are not sure of your tomorrow check how you use your time today. That is simple enough. The question is do you want to be successful? How bad you do want it? Then look for opportunities to solve problems today. If you cannot find any opportunity create one. Life will always respond to these three letters “ASK.” Ask, Seek and Knock. If you ask and you are not given, Seek you will find it. If you did not find it knock it will surely be opened to you. One of these three will deliver the goods!

Some people spend their time asking probing questions others spend it begging. Friends, others are aggressively seeking, you cannot sleep. Life is that serious. Let us wake up and be up to the task.
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